Datapod has achieved 500 days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
It reached this milestone on 5 August 2014 and marks a continuing path of dedication to safety by the company.
Datapod Managing Director Scott Carr recently recognised all staff associated in manufacturing, deployment and through-life servicing of Datapod Systems in the field.
“Safety is the central focus to everything we do at Datapod and the work of our Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management group continues to lift the bar and forge new boundaries,” said Mr Carr.
“This is an outstanding result, especially when you consider some of the more difficult locations where we’ve deployed the Datapod System around the world” added Mr Carr.
The modular nature of the Datapod data center system means processes can be streamlined and made safer because of the factory environment and Datapod Occupational, Health, Safety and Environment Manager Shontelle Hellyer said these processes are continually reviewed to ensure industry best practice.
Ms Hellyer said, “Maintenance of the safe working environment wherever we operate is more than a key priority. OHSE is a lead agenda item at every meeting every day throughout the company from Board level down and the 500 day milestone is a result of this priority.”
“Our people often work in hazardous environments, in the resources and oil and gas sectors and we have just had a team return from Mount Whaleback in remote North West Australia. Companies operating in these sectors and in particular the major engineering entities that manage the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of major projects require their contractors to have advanced systems in place that are compliant with the highest standards in terms of safety, quality and the environment. Datapod ticks all these boxes and in doing so we provide our customers with confidence and peace of mind,” added Ms Hellyer.
Datapod is certified for:
- Quality ISO 9001
- Environmental Management System ISO 14001
- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 4801